we planted a new garden this year, it is a square foot garden. this is something new for us, but so far we are loving it.  I love to see a plant go from a seedling to a producing plant.

here  is the making of the boxes that make up the square foot garden  The soil is a mixture of peat moss, compost, and vermiculite. we started with two boxes 4 by 4 foot. the idea behind square foot gardening is planting in a small area, just what you need, our 4 x4 box broke down to 16 spaces for planting after adding the grid.  you plant in each space depending on how much space a plant needs, exp. tomatoes one to a space, cucumbers 4 each space.  We have planted corn, peppers, tomatoes, beans, radishes, basil, onions, spinch, lettuce, rosemary, cilanto, .

The garden is doing pretty good, everything is still green, except the cucumbers, think it was too hot and sunny for them, so we built some shade.  I think the plants like it.  When they get big enough we'll take it off.


The garden is growing great, Everything is big enough to take the shade cloth off, found some more cucumbers, so they are going great.  Also planted an eggplant, and some more beans.
and made another box for squash and zuchini.


 well everything is still alive and growing, can't wait to start harvesting.  we have some beans almost ready
Made some trellises to support the cucumbers and beans and corn.  My daughter got me some plant markers for Mothers Day, I love them.